Indigenous East follows these principles in our work:
We believe that the land has its own rights, which we must respect as we work to protect nature.
We work with a long-term perspective, understanding that building trust takes time. Our goal is to make a lasting impact, rather than achieving quick results.
We work collaboratively with our communities to find solutions based on the wisdom and values of Indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples of Turtle Island.
We center Indigenous and Afro-descendant beliefs and ways of understanding.
We follow the practice of getting free, prior, and informed consent. We expect our partners to do the same.
We only join in projects if we're invited, being clear about what we want and respecting the wishes of the community. We don't push ourselves into places we are not wanted.
We don't move forward with projects unless the communities involved continue to give their consent and stay involved; borrowing a phrase from the Disability Rights movement: "We believe that nothing about us without us is for us."